Ep. 12 Passionate
It's exhausting to fight fires in every area of your life. For people committed to building a beautiful future, it feels like there are no safe zones right now! Family, friends, churches, offices, neighborhoods... there is division everywhere you look!
Compassion fatigue, jaded hopelessness and passionate pessimism are understandable results of being a peace builder in 2020. ... but we cannot give into that temptation! Leaning into the mean spirited, rage filled peddling of fear is the WORST thing we can do for our causes! Especially doing so in the name of love. ...it completely undermines the message and sabotages the opportunity for something productive and beautiful to happen. This video offers three pieces of advice, rooted in mindful improv, to help you combat this trap and shine the light the world so desperately needs right now! Ep. 10 How to Keep from
Have you experienced this before? It's so hard to see someone you love suffering, and it's even harder to know how to help without getting pulled into the darkness too. I've been on both sides of this in my life. This video shares some suggestion for how you can take back control of your emotional boat, and support the person you love in a way that is safe and healthy for both of you.
Ep. 8 Self Care vs. Socially
What's really the difference between self care and self medicating... especially right now when every third Facebook post would have you believe it's perfectly socially acceptable to have become a functioning alcoholic whose completely given up on 2020.
Thoughts on this, and how we can make healthy choices for ourselves in today's #LunchAndBreathe Ep. 6 What I learned in
8 suggestions: 5 very tactical and 3 more spiritual for surviving soul-crushing uncertainty and moving through a relentlessly difficult time while staying mentally, emotionally, spiritually and professionally intact. Sounds helpful, yes? If you're flailing right now, this is for you. <3
Ep. 4 How to Stop Feeling
This is a contentious time. You could be forgiven for feeling... a little testy! Especially when it comes to workplace culture issues... especially when they are issues that have been brought up over and over... especially when they are issues about which you feel especially sensitive.
Today's topic is how to advocate for the workplace culture you desire without falling prey to defensive bickering when you encounter those who disagree. Ep. 2 How to Find Clarity for
Mindfulness activity for regaining alignment and therefore clarity on a tough decision.
June 8th, 2020 - #LunchAndBreathe series on LinkedIn Live. What to do About High
This ~20 minute webinar answers two key questions for leaders, hr team members and culture advocates:
1) How can you convince leadership to fire a bully when you're in a situation where you do not have the final say? 2) How can you know when you've given someone enough time, and you must take the action to fire them? You can access the full length Encouraging Change webinar here. It gets it's own fancy page, because it's AWESOME. How to Have Effective
Ep. 11 How Forgiving Your
Forgiveness is the tool of true magic in the world. It opens doors you cannot imagine. I teach a different understanding of forgiveness, and HOW to be proactive about it. When you engage these simple steps, the path to a really delightful future opens up.
Want to find a way to save our planet? Start with forgiveness. Want to find a job you love? Start with forgiveness. Healthier relationship? Forgiveness. Even broad scale depolarization in our country starts with forgiveness. Ep. 9 Evidence vs. Proof:
Many people who talk to me about their real goals (like, the ones that are vulnerable to say out loud), or who share with me about their passion, have convinced themselves that their true vision and desires are not possible. ...And they have plenty of "concrete evidence" to point to! They're too old, or too young, or they don't have enough certifications, or they have too much debt, or there are immovable personal circumstances that make it IMPOSSIBLE for them to achieve their goals.
BULL. HOCKEY. This episode touches on evidence vs. proof, and how you can start using the facts you love to point to as proof that you're asking for too much, and reframe them in a new, and more helpful way. Ep. 7 Joy & Success require
If you're a task-oriented, list-crosser-offer like me, today's #LunchAndBreathe was offered with you at heart. I see your big vision. I see the pain and frustration in the moments you are aware that you're not living or working in your true purpose. I see you changing jobs, perfecting your LinkedIn and resume, updating your look, loosing weight, saving money, hunting down your ideal partner....
I see you looking for purpose, connection, fulfillment and success. Peace to you on your journey. There is a path of gentle unfolding that requires less effort and more healing. Ep. 5 The Power of Silence in
Silence is often misunderstood... but it is a powerful tool for understanding and developing connection.
Ep. 3. Why Forgiveness
People often think of forgiveness as the ability to recall negative, hurtful, unjust or even traumatic events without anger or resentment. While there are certainly events that lose some sting with time, there are some injustices that should always make us angry.
Anger can be a helpful feeling for conjuring motivation to create change! So, I have a different philosophy and process around forgiveness. A process that breeds FREEDOM, clarity and true inner peace. Sound nice? ...it's more than that. It's a critical part of consistently being the leader you intend to be! Ep. 1 - Battling IGNORANCE
The first installment of the #LunchAndBreathe LinkedIn Live series; this is a 30-minute webinar in which I teach my "Backwards Process" for building relationships that invite people to more growth and love instead of fear and unchecked biases.
Recorded on June 1st, 2020 How to Become an
RECAP:This webinar is a response to 6 questions selected from the first round of responses to our High Impact Leadership Survey:
My first webinar ever! (Pretty sure my mom calls 1/2 way through... you don't wanna miss that.)
RECAPCurious about how to get your employee development, essential skills and/or advanced technology employee training costs reimbursed, or how to save money on training costs? Enjoy this interview with Kristen O'Hara - Director of Continuing Education and WEDnetPA Administrator at Indiana University of Pennsylvania. Qualifications include:
RECAPWhat you do after a confrontation matters a lot both for your ability to continue collaborating with your co-worker/colleague, and for your personal and professional growth. It's hard not to hold a grudge, but few things are less productive than nursing resentments. This webinar offers some insight into the soul-centered work of confrontation recovery. You'll learn how to get back into alignment so you can continue working with the person in question, and do so without the distractions of resentment and self-doubt.