The current Brave Church cycle is underway! The next cycle will begin January
Brave Conversations, Confrontation & Conflict Engagement at ChurchEvery church has both loving people... and interpersonal conflict.
We disagree about hot button political issues... and everyday stuff. We miscommunicate, drop the ball, make each other angry and some people literally NEVER remember when it's their turn for the children's lesson! We are people of God and we're also human adults who may create unhelpful habits when it comes to confrontation. We procrastinate until things balloon into bigger situations than they needed to be. We avoid hard situations out of fear, or damage relationships in our overzealousness and anger. We desire peace and healthy unity... but the road to get there is paved with hundreds of difficult, awkward and sometimes painful moments that require vulnerability and courage. In preparation for this program, I interviewed pastors across the country about the kinds of brave conversations they experience. They shared about the Church's role in racial justice work, LGBTQ inclusion, and changing the narrative on mental health support. They shared experiences of mediating conflict, sitting in the presence of grief after tragedy, and holding space for the BIG questions of young people... whose parents all hold different opinions and perspectives and may answer those big questions differently. Mindfulness practice and improvised comedy offer a variety of skills that are deeply helpful for creating environments of love, curiosity and growth: the ideal environment for building trust through these brave conversations. Brave Church has been built to share this framework and these practices with pastors and church leadership so they can build, maintain, and/or restore environments of trust and love. |
Brave Church IntroThis is a 12 minute video explaining how I - a social worker turned comedian - became passionate about equipping pastors for brave conversations. You'll learn:
Brave Church 5-week live, virtual training program created to equip pastors and faith leaders for brave conversations that hold the power to create true unity and deeper connection instead of deep division, hurt and distraction from our call to be the living Body of Christ.
Brave Church participants will finish the program equipped to:
This program also provides church leadership with tools and materials to equip their congregants to confront one another with love, speak the truth even when it’s scary and build safe unity when disagreements arise. |
"Do not find fault before you investigate; examine first, and then criticize. Do not answer before you listen, and do not interrupt when another is speaking." Sirach 11.7-8 |
There will be two virtual info sessions on August 8th and 10th at 10am. Both will be live. You will learn more about Mindful Improv Thinking™ and I'll share the Core Five mindful improv skills for initiating and engaging brave conversations. You'll also have an opportunity to ask any questions you have about the Brave Church program.
Register for either time here.
Register for either time here.
"So then, putting away falsehood, let all of us speak the truth to our neighbors,
for we are members of one another. Be angry but do not sin.
Do not let the sun go down on your anger."
Ephesians 4:25-26 NRSV
for we are members of one another. Be angry but do not sin.
Do not let the sun go down on your anger."
Ephesians 4:25-26 NRSV
PROGRAM DETAILSIn this program, you'll learn the Mindful Improv Thinking™ framework as it pertains to peace building through brave conversations.
You'll also be provided with handouts and materials you may copy and disseminate to your congregation as desired, or use in a congregational training, small group or Sunday School class. Program will be offered in five 60-minute sessions delivered live Tuesdays at 10am. Dates for the next cycle starting January 2024 are: 1/9 | 1/16 | 1/23 | 1/30 | 2/6 Recordings will be available if you're unable to join live. SESSION TOPICS
PROGRAM COSTSEarly bird registration:
$450 Registration after 8/31: $500 Group of 3, early bird rate: $1,200 Group of 3 after 8/31: $1,350 For 4+ members of your church leadership, email andrea@andbeyondimprov(dot)com for individual invoicing. This will be billed at $325 per person regardless of registration date. Pay What You Can pricing is also available! Click image below to download flyer.
"My friends, if anyone is detected in a transgression,
you who have received the Spirit should restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness.
Take care that you yourselves are not tempted.
Bear one another's burdens and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ."
Galatians 6:1-2 NRSV
you who have received the Spirit should restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness.
Take care that you yourselves are not tempted.
Bear one another's burdens and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ."
Galatians 6:1-2 NRSV