Social Worker Turned Comedian, Speaker & Bestselling Author
What is Mindful Improv Thinking™? Watch this brief introductory video for more info!
What is Mindful Improv Thinking™? Watch this brief introductory video for more info!
I love improv. I discovered it during a particularly acute season of personal and professional transition. The level of trust, focus, vulnerability and openness it takes to improvise well was deeply instructive on my journey of healing and self re-discovery. Coming from a background in human behavior research and behavior modification coaching, I couldn't help but see the overlap between the disciplines it takes to be a strong improviser, and the disciplines it takes to grow internally and be the people we intend to be: > Commitment to the present moment > Trusting the process of building something big, one piece at a time > Listening beyond your comfort zone > Looking past failure (in yourself and your scene partners) > Cultivating faith in your own instincts > Finding the courage to be publicly playful I also love mindfulness practice. It has significantly impacted my ability to lead, parent, neighbor and wife. Yes - each of those words is a verb! Combining the fun of improv with the quiet power of mindfulness is the work I'm on this planet to do. I couldn't be more delighted by it! It's been an honor to introduce thousands of people to these concepts through my book, my YouTube channel or speaking engagements. Perhaps the most joyful part of my work is seeing the ways in which mindful improv transcends corporate environments, and impacts the family connections and social relationships of the people I have the pleasure of speaking to. We are whole people, and maintaining meaningful, healthy relationships is a critical part of our quality of life. If this work resonates with you, there's room for you on my calendar & I can't wait to talk with you about bringing Mindful Improv Thinking to your company, event or retreat! Love and Gratitude, |
Andrea Flack-Wetherald